Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Developmental Psychology Class At Union College Essay

Methods Participants The sample collected were acquired by surveying parents about children who were currently in the Developmental Psychology class at Union College. These parents were not paid in any way and were recruited by their children requesting their responses. A total of 50 responses were gathered, however some children had two parents evaluate them and others only had one. In these instances, when two parents evaluated, their scores were added and divided by two in order to get the average score for each child. This left us with 32 subjects of which 9 were male and 23 were female. This study is mostly a retrospective study, therefore the parent raters often had to think back over a decade to rate their children which currently were enrolled at Union College. The age range at the time of the study was 17 years with the eldest being 22 years of age and the youngest only 5 years old. This is important to note because participants were asked to evaluate their children when they were about 5 years old. Assessing retrospectively may be a limitation in this study. Therefore, according to our results all but 6 responses were done retrospectively, evaluating at least 9 years in the past. Although, the questionnaire administered to participants was a Buss and Plomin temperament scale evaluating shyness, sociability, emotionality, and activity, for the purposes of this study, were are only analyzing the activity results and comparing whether or not there is a genderShow MoreRelatedImmigrating And The United States1644 Words   |  7 Pagesmy family owned a furniture factory and a store. After my parent s divorce, my mother kept the house and my father the company. Similarly, my mother opened her store for a few years and then a preschool, which was more related to her bachelor in psychology. However, my mother financial stability decreases after acquiring debts. 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