Monday, January 27, 2020

Implications of NRHM in Punjab

Implications of NRHM in Punjab Sustainable Health Development:  An Analysis of Implications of NRHM in Punjab Ms. Gunjan Malhotra[1] Dr. Madhur M. Mahajan[2] Abstract: The National Rural Health Mission was launched in 2005 (although full fledged activities began in full swing in 2007-2008) along with other states and union territories. The thrust of the mission is on establishing a fully functional, community owned, decentralized health delivery system with inter-sectoral convergence at all levels, to ensure simultaneous action on a wide range of determinants of health such as water, sanitation, education, nutrition, social and gender equality.The paper intends to study the impact of NRHM in terms of health infrastructure and to examine the impact of NRHM on health indicators like Infant Mortality Rate, Maternal Mortality Rate and Total Fertility Rate in the state of Punjab. It also studies the differences in Punjab and Kerala in terms of Health infrastructure and Health indicators. The study results show that a number of sub centres, PHC and CHC have increased and also IMR, MMR and TFR have come down after implementation of NRHM. Sustainability in health development means improvement in the health indicators and better health care facilities for existing and future population. Key words: NRHM, Sustainable Health Development, Mortality. Introduction: Health is described as the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (WHO). Health is a state of being hale sound or whole in body, mind especially the state of being free from physical disease or pain. Good health is a pre-requisite for human productivity and development process. Improvement in health would make a positive impact on economic development. Better health can increase the number of potential man hours for production by reducing morbidity and disability as well as reducing mortality. Better health may result in more productivity per man as well as more men available for work. Promotion of a good health must be a prime objective of every country’s development programmes. The preamble to the WHO constitution also states that the enjoyment of highest attainable standard of health is a fundamental right of every human being and those governments are responsible for health of their people and they can fulfil that responsibility of taking appropriate measures. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: The concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the worlds poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and The idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environments ability to meet present and future needs. (Brundtland Report, 1987) Sustainability is related to the quality of life in a community whether the economic, social and environmental systems that make up the community are providing a healthy, productive, meaningful life for all community residents, present and future. Sustainable health care system means meeting the health and health care needs of individuals and the population which would lead to optimal health and health care outcome. According to WHO any policy is said to be sustainable when: It continues to function effectively for the foreseeable future, High treatment coverage, integrate into available health care services, have strong community ownership and use resources mobilized by community and government. Taking into account the above factors of sustainability National Rural Health Mission was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh in New Delhi in 2005 in the country, with a special focus on 18 states. It recognizes the importance of health care in the process of economic and social development and improving the quality of lives of our citizens. It provides effective health care to rural population throughout the country. NRHM initiative as a whole with its wide approach is a national movement that just a national health project. The main objective of NRHM in state Punjab is: To provide accessible, affordable, accountable, effective and reliable health care, especially to the poor and the vulnerable sections of the population in rural areas. To achieve health indicators like IMR, MMR and TFR to acceptable levels. The mission is an articulation of the commitment of the government to raise public spending on health from 0.9% of GDP to 2-3% of GDP and aims to undertake architectural correction of the health system to enable it to effectively handle increased allocations as promised under the national common minimum program and promote policies that strengthen public health management and service delivery in the country. To revitalize local health traditions and mainstream AYUSH into the public health system. It aims at effective integration of health concerns with determinants of health like sanitation and hygiene, nutrition and safe drinking water through a district plan for health. Literature Review: Kumar (2005) reported that study on Maternal Mortality Reduction and opportunity under National Rural Health Mission.Maternal Mortality Rate continues to remain high in our Country without showing any declining period of two decades. The proportion of maternal death contributes by direct obstetrics causes have also remained more or less the same in rural areas. There is a strong need to improve coverage of antenatal care, promote institutional deliveries and provide emergency of obstetric care. Ramani (2006) â€Å"Status of Indian Health System† identified that the critical areas of management concerns in the Indian Health Care System are mainly non-availability of staff, weak referral system, poor service delivery, financial shortfalls and lack of accountability of quality of care. Gautham (2007) in their study â€Å"Patterns of Public Health Expenditure in India: An analysis of State, and Central Health budget in Pre and Post NRHM Period† examined the size, distribution, trends, composition and rate of growth of Union and State Health Expenditure during the period of 2001 2002 to 2008 – 2009. Garg (2007) explored the current status of implementation and progress of activities as envisaged under NRHM in the high focus states of the country that are under priority, as well as non priority states. Ashtekar(2008) emphasised on the failure of decentralisation, the lack of inter-sectoral coordination, and the undermining of traditional health support are the reasons why the National Rural Health Mission has not delivered what it had set out to achieve. Sinha(2009) studied that NRHM provided a large canvas and platform for health action, but Shyam Ashtekar (EPW, 13 September 2008) misses many issues and does not make his critique from the right perspective. During the short period of its existence there is ample evidence to show that the mission has been moving in the right direction, crafting a credible public system of health delivery starting from the village and going up to the district level. Hussain (2011): reported that NRHM was introduced as a flagship scheme of the United Progressive Alliance government in 2005-06 to address the needs of the rural population through an architectural correction of the health system. With the completion period drawing to a close in 2012, he critically evaluates the success of the intervention strategies under this scheme. Pal (2011) analysed NRHM, this programme has put rural public health care firmly on the agenda, and is on the right track with the institutional changes it has wrought within the health system. He seeks to evaluate the performance of service delivery in rural public health facilities under National Rural Health Mission. The concept and working of NRHM has been discussed in brief. Anirvan (2012) in her study observed that National Rural Health Mission is the Government of India’s largest public health program. This report briefly analyse NRHM expenditures along the following parameters: overall trends in fund allocation and expenditure: GOI and States, allocation and expenditure on key programs like immunization, physical coverage and human resource avail- ability, and outcomes (Infant Mortality Rate and Maternal Mortality Rate). Patra, Ramadass (2013) studied the impact of NRHM on the health infrastructure and on the health indicators and to analyze the determinants of health status in the health development of Odisha. The study is only based on the secondary data. The collected data was analyzed with the help of MS-WORD and Excel. The study showed that the health status of study area is very poor and is gradually increasing as a result of the implementation of NRHM and the staple reasons for this tendency are: low income, illiteracy, shortage of doctors, unwillingness doctors to go to remote areas and lack of health care facilities and lack of production of laboratory technicians and radiographers. Thimmaiah, Mamatha (2014) intends to study the impact of NRHM in terms of health infrastructure and to examine the impact of NRHM on health indicators, like Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Crude Death Rate (CDR) and Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Karnataka. The study result shows that the number of Sub Centres, Primary Health Centres and Community Health Centres has increased between 2005 and 2010. Also, IMR, MMR, CDR and TFR have come down after the implementation of National Rural Health Mission. Objectives of the study: To study the impact of NRHM in terms of health infrastructure in Punjab. To examine the impact of NRHM on health indicators like IMR, TRR and MMR in Punjab. Hypothesis of the study: There is significant reduction in health indicator IMR, MMR and TFR after implementation of NRHM. Methodology of the study: Keeping the objective of the study into mind, an attempt has been made to draw a comparative picture of the health indicators before and after NRHM. The study relies on secondary data. The data is collected from Ministry of Health and Family Welfare statistical report NRHM, statistical abstract of Punjab, NRHM Annual Reports, Five year plan reports, Economic survey, Census reports and WHO reports. The data collected has been tabulated and impact of the NRHM on sustainable health in Punjab has been gauged by employing graphical analysis, correlation techniques and t-test. Impact of NRHM in terms of Health Infrastructure in Punjab Table 1: Number of Sub Centres, PHC’s and CHC’s functioning Source: Economic Survey 2012 From the above table it is clear that in the year 2005 when NRHM was launched, there were 2850 sub centres, 441 PHC’s and 120 CHC’s operated in Punjab. In the year 2010, the number of sub centres, PHC’s and CHC’s increased to 2950, 449 and 132 respectively. At all India level the PHC’s, CHC’s and sub centres have increased. In the following chart it is found that Sub Centres, PHC’s and CHC’s have been increased from the year 2005 to the year 2010 after the implementation of NRHM in Punjab. Chart-1 Sub Centres, PHC’s and CHC’s in Punjab Impact of NRHM in terms of Health Indicators in Punjab To study the impact of NRHM in terms of health indicators 3 indicators are used which are Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). A time period from 2000 to 2011 has been taken 6 years before implementation of NRHM and 6 years after NRHM. The following table shows the health indicators from 2000 to 2011: Table-2 Health Indicators 2000-2011 Source: RHS bulletin 2012(health and family welfare in Punjab) From the above table it is clear that IMR, MMR and IMR have reduced over the time period 2000 to 2011. Before implementation of NRHM, TFR was 2.4 and has been reduced to 1.7, MMR was 178 has been reduced to 154 and IMR was 52 has been reduced to 28. Chart-2 TFR 2001-2013 The above charts shows the decline in Total Fertlity Rate from 2000 to 2012 and the current rate is 1.7. Chart-3 MMR 2001-2012 The chart 3 shows a decline in Maternal Mortality Rate but in the year 2004-05 there has been increase in MMR and thereafter a decline in MMR. Chart-4 IMR-2001-2013 Chart-4 shows a significant decline in IMR after the implementation of NRHM. As compared to other health indicators IMR has shown the maximum improvement. Table-3 Sample t-test on Health Indicators in Punjab On the basis of analysis conducted by using sample T-test indicates that TFR was 2.28 before implementation of NRHM and it was decreased to 1.865 after implementation of NRHM. Overall decreased rate is 0.4183. The t statistic is significant at 1% level of significance. Hence null hypothesis of no difference is rejected and alternative hypothesis of significant difference is accepted. With respect of MMR, the rate of MMR 48.83 before implementation of NRHM and it was decreased to 163 after implementation of NRHM. Overall decreased rate is 19.34.The t statistic is significant at 1% level of significance. Hence null hypothesis of no difference is rejected and alternative hypothesis of significant difference is accepted. With respect of IMR, the rate of MMR 182.34 before implementation of NRHM and it was decreased to 35.67 after implementation of NRHM. Overall decreased rate is 13.16.The t statistic is significant at 1% level of significance. Hence null hypothesis of no difference is rejected and alternative hypothesis of significant difference is accepted. Major Findings of the Study: Number of sub centres, PHC’s and CHC’s have increased from 2005 to 2010 after the implementation of NRHM. Over the period substantial reduction has been seen in IMR, MMR and TFR after the implementation of NRHM. The reduction in the indicators and increase in health infrastructure depicts that there is sustainability in health after the implementation of NRHM. Conclusion: NRHM launched by the government of India holds great hope and promises to serve deprived communities of rural areas. The invariable existence of social cultural differences in the community has always been a challenge to health care efforts made by Government of India. Sustainibility in health is a major challenge in the hands of Government i.e. reduction in major health indicators and improvement of health infrastructure without having an effect on future generations. Sustainibility has a very wide scope and there are many reasons and policies which emphasis on Health Infrastructure and Health Indicators. But this paper only studies the impact of NRHM on the sustainibility of Health Development in Punjab. Refrences: Ashtekar, S (2008): â€Å"The National Rural Health Mission: A Stocktaking†, Economic Political Weekly, XLIII (37): 23-26. Anirvan Chowdhury, (2012) in her study â€Å"Budget Briefs-National Rural Health Mission†, Accountability initiative Research and Innovation for Governance accountability, No 69. Garge Suneel, Natha Anita, (2007) â€Å"Current Status of National Rural Health Mission†, Vol.32, Issue: 3 page: 171-172. Kumar’s â€Å"Challenges of Maternal Mortality Reduction and Opportunities under National Rural Health Mission. A Critical Appraisal†, Indian Public Health. 2005 Jul-Sep; 49(3): 163-7. Ramani K.V, Maavalakar Dileep, (2006) â€Å"Health System in India: Opportunity and challenges for improvement†, Journal of Health and Organization Management, UK, Vol. 20, No 6, PP 560-572. Suresh Kumar Patra, L.Annam Prof. M. Ramadass (2013) â€Å"National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Health Status of Odisha: An Economic Analysis† Language in India ISSN 1930-2940 13:4 April 2013. World Health Organization. 2006. Constitution of the World Health Organization – Basic Documents, Forty-fifth edition, Supplement, October 2006. Husain (2011) â€Å"Health of the National Rural Health Mission†, Economic and Political Weekly, Jan 22, vol XLV1, No 4. Pal (2011) â€Å"National Rural Health Mission: Issues and Challenges†, Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research, Dec 2011, Vol.1 Issue 3. Thimmaiah, Mamatha (2014) â€Å"National Rural Health Mission Status in Karnataka: An Economic Analysis†, ISSN-2250-1991, Vol.3 Issue-5. National Health Systems Resource Centre â€Å"NRHM in Eleventh Five Year Plan†, ISBN-978-93-82655-00-8. [1] Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Department of Economics, GGDSD College, Chandigarh. [2] Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Department of Economics, GGDSD College, Chandigarh.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Chilis History Essay

Chili’s first location, a converted postal station on Greenville Avenue in Dallas, Texas, opened in 1975. Lavine’s concept was to create an informal, full-service dining restaurant with a menu featuring different types of hamburgers offered at an affordable price. The brand proved successful, and by the early 1980s there were 28 Chili’s locations in the region, all featuring similar Southwest decor. In 1983, Lavine sold the company to restaurant executive Norman E. Brinker, formerly of the Pillsbury restaurant group. Chili’s now has locations in all 50 U. S. states, 30 international locations and two territories. It’s easy to see why Chili’s has become such a firm favourite among Dubai’s families. First, there’s the wall-to-wall decor of exposed brick, vintage Americana (think mid-’80s posters promoting provincial chilli ‘cook-offs’) and fake greenery. The result is too thick, too clumsy, to persuade the wayward Texan that he has found his way home, but does make for a riot of colour and interest to help keep little ones amused. Secondly, the veritable army of Chili’s serving staff will happily create an astonishing spectacle of noise and cheer when you opt to hold a birthday here. And finally, there’s the indulgent menu of massive portions. Even the starters are almost impossible to finish: nachos are smeared liberally with hot and cheesy chilli; the signature Old Timer burger boasts enough dollops of relish on the thick meaty patty that the bun is likely to disintegrate; and sizzling platters of fajitas produce thick clouds of salty smoke guaranteed to get hungry mouths slavering, provided you don’t choke on the heady vapours first. Assuming you don’t try to finish each portion, you might even have room to tackle the oozing mass of molten chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. Of course, there are two sides to every story, and for many diners the blatant Americana will prove claustrophobic, the menu (aside from a few surprisingly tasty Guiltless Grill options) just too calorific, and the average of five greetings per visit unnecessary, bordering on the intrusive. Nonetheless, Chili’s is consistently heaving, and dotted among those families are many workers who have come direct from a long day at the office. It’s not just little kids in Dubai who appreciate piles of greasy comfort food – Chili’s lacks refinement, but serves this up in great quantities.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Water in architecture and water spaces: look, touch, feel

The paper focuses on how the presence of H2O & A ; # 8211 ; either as a characteristic or a map & A ; # 8211 ; enriches the design of public edifices, and how this relationship is perceived through centripetal human experience. Four instance surveies are used. Case analyze one is the Roman bath composite at Bath, Avon ; instance survey two is an early Modernist design of a glass marquee by Bruno Taut ; instance survey three is an illustration of a Post Modernist plaza in New Orleans designed by Charles. W. Moore ; and instance analyze four is the modern-day design of a thermic baths in Vals, Switzerland by Peter Zumthor. In each instance there will be an analysis of the architectural design including facets such as symmetricalness and balance, coloring material, texture, stuffs, signifier, and graduated table. Findingss will include how H2O is used in the design infinite and its consequence upon the human senses. The survey expects to see a strong relationship between the presence of H2O and the environing design of the edifice. Furthermore, the survey hopes to set up a difference in the relationship between the centripetal experience of the two instance surveies where H2O is used as an aesthetic characteristic and has no practical map compared to the two baths where H2O is used to bathe in. The surveies are ordered chronologically to enable clear designation of the germinating architectural differences between the ancient bath edifice, and the two 20th century illustrations. Probe aims to research the potency of H2O as an instrument to help the designer ‘s efforts at making semblance. Aspects such as coloring material, and representation of signifier will be analysed in the two 20th century illustrations. The survey will climax with the modern-day invention and dynamism so supremely represented in the work of Peter Zumthor. In this 4th and most of import chapter the work aims to place how modern-day developments in architectural design & A ; # 8211 ; in comparing with the older instance surveies & A ; # 8211 ; expands and enriches the relationship between H2O and the human senses. Methodology The information for this survey was collected through documental research. Chapter one draws from Barry Cunliffe ‘s Roman Bath Discovered as a primary beginning and archeological context.The baths went through several phases of development before they were abandoned: this survey will utilize the simple program of the first phase as an illustration to avoid any confusion. Because of the age of the instance survey it is non possible to retroflex with certainty the exact nature of the centripetal experience of utilizing the baths. Therefore some guesss had to be conjectural based on the archeological and architectural grounds used. Throughout the thesis I will pull on Veronica Strang ‘s book The Meaning of Water ( 2003 ) which provides a utile penetration into the nature of the component in treatment. In the survey of Bruno Taut ‘s glass marquee the centripetal experience will besides hold to incorporate a conjectural component based on documental research as the marqu ee itself no longer stands. For chapter four, cyberspace beginnings were used in concurrence with diaries and books to turn up a firsthand history of the centripetal experience of Peter Zumthor ‘s baths. As a reasonably recent design of a comparatively unwritten about designer it was hard to turn up a diverseness of beginnings for the baths so the chapter will pull chiefly from articles both from cyberspace beginnings and from publications. IntroductionThe first chapter will look at the Roman Baths in Bath, Avon. It will research the relationship between the architectural design, the stuffs used, and the human senses, concentrating on the original program of the baths in their first stage as depicted by Cunliffe ( 1971 ) . This chapter will introductory to the survey as it will convey into treatment facets such as the relationship between the inside and outside of the edifice as perceived through human centripetal experience, and the atmospheric effects created by thermic Waterss which will be explored more exhaustively in the concluding chapter. It will measure facets of the Roman design such as symmetricalness, coloring material, and ornament and how these might hold enriched the bathing experience. Chapter two uses the instance survey of a glass marquee, imagined by the poet Paul Scheerbart, and designed by Bruno Taut in 1914. The cosmetic construction was designed to be exhibited at the Werkbund exhibition and was demolished shortly after. The H2O characteristic is centrally placed, designed to reflect the changing visible radiation through the motley glass panels of the environment. Its vision of a Utopian signifier of architecture utilizing glass prisms provides a alone contrast to the functionally aesthetic Roman baths. It will be used to develop the thought of architecture proving the boundaries between the perceptual experience of interior and exterior and between public and private infinite. The presence of the H2O and its interaction with the visible radiation from the marquee ‘s colored glass means that these constructs are explored through centripetal experience. Using relevant beginning stuff this chapter constructs an independent reading of Bruno Taut ‘s design, concentrating on its interior round signifier and tiered infinite.In Chapter Three the instance survey used will be the Piazza d'Italia built by Charles W. Moore between 1974 and 1978 for the Italian community of New Orleans. The Post-Modernist design is characterised by Moore ‘s dry reading of historical signifiers of architecture placed around a fountain in the form of Italy. The survey provides a utile contrast to the old illustrations & A ; # 8211 ; it raises inquiries of how symmetricalness in architectural design affects the centripetal perceptual experiences. The focal point of the construction is the H2O characteristic which serves as a self-contradictory unifier and centrifuge of the experience. Furthermore, this illustration brings into treatment the construct of a more complex relationship between the human senses and H2O in architecture which will climax in the concluding chapter. Chapter four concerns the thermic baths at Vals, Switzerland, designed by Peter Zumthor in 1996. This last and most of import chapter purposes to convey together facets of the three old illustrations through analysis of a modern-day design. The focal point will be on Zumnor ‘s inventive reading of the usage of H2O in a natural environment. Research into his combination of proficient invention and sensitive perceptual experience hopes to set up how H2O can be used in modern-day architectural design to enrich the centripetal human experience. Study will besides concentrate on facets of the design such as the careful attending paid to accomplishing balance and integrity & A ; # 8211 ; through characteristics such as the combination of different stuffs used. Features of the earlier instance surveies & A ; # 8211 ; such as the ambiguity of signifier in Moore ‘s plaza are discussed in visible radiation of Zumthor ‘s design of the baths ‘ inside. Finally, the survey will measure how successful Zumthor ‘s illustration is in unifying traditional constructs in a modern-day infinite.The Roman Bath Buildings at Avon, Bath.During the first century AD the Temple of Minerva and the baths were built at Bath over a thermic spring. As portion of the edifice procedure an enclosed reservoir was constructed with the point at which the H2O poured into the drain being unfastened with a flight of big stairss from a platform above, leting visitants to acquire near to the beginning of the H2O. The gap through which the H2O was accessed boasted an impressive archway ‘creating the feeling of the steamy H2O fluxing through the oral cavity of a cave from the Centre of the Earth. ‘ ( Cunliffe 1971, p.26 ) . The original entryway hall boasted three monolithic Windowss through which could be seen the sacred spring and the communion table beyond. The Great Bath would originally hold been covered by a masonry vaulted ceiling besides with big Windowss in its 2nd grade home base xxiv cunliffe. Roman glass was translucent so the baths would non hold been lit every bit good as an unfastened air pool. This means that there would hold been no positions from the Windowss and small Sun, ensuing in minimum interaction between the experience of being inside the edifice and the conditions outside. It appears that the lighting of the constitution took 2nd topographic point to the administration of infinite within the inside. Aside from the Great Bath the block contained two smaller Chamberss & A ; # 8211 ; the calidarium ( hot room ) , and tepidarium ( a warm acclimatising room ) ( Rook 1992, p.23-4 ) , and another smaller swimming bath now known as the Lucas bath. ( Cunliffe 1971, p.45 ) . High vaulted infinites covered the thermic Waterss of the Great Bath to let the steam to rise.As Macdonald says of this manner of Roman roof, ‘the main key to the sort of centripetal reaction or emotional response evoked by these edifices was the capacity of their concave forms to bring on an feeling of spread outing or lifting hollowness. ‘ ( 1982, p.176 ) The perceptual experience of infinite inside the baths would so hold been altered as the swimmer left the little heated altering suites and entered the country of the Great Bath. The warm bubbling H2O, with the ice chest tranquil infinite above would hold created two contrasting, yet complementary, centripetal experiences. This design meant that the activity of the H2O environment could be enjoyed while the oculus followed the way of lifting bluess, going upwards to the still repose of the vaulted roof. Leting the oculus to go, while bodily staying in the same topographic point would hold been an built-in portion of th e relaxation procedure. The tallness of the ceiling would hold besides added to the atmosphere by doing sounds to repeat. White limestone surrounded the bath which would hold been smooth to the touch, and excavated grounds suggests that statues and other shrine-like images decorated the inside, with a fountain in the Centre. It is possible to conceive of how the continually altering province of the Waterss would hold played upon the environing surfaces of the ornament, looking to bring forth fluctuations in coloring material and texture. As Veronica Strang says in her publication on H2O: The hypnotic qualities of H2O are of peculiar involvement in sing centripetal perceptual experience and the creative activity of significance. Schiffman ( 1996:101 ) notes that the oculus is automatically drawn to wavering or traveling stimulations, and Gell ( 1992 ) and Morphy ( 1991, 1992, 1994 ) have shown that shimmering or visually exciting forms can excite affectional responses in many different cultural contexts. The play and glare of H2O provide ocular stimulation that are rather different from those of most objects. The ocular involvement of inanimate objects is gleaned by the oculus actively following the signifier and coloring material and item. With H2O ( & amp ; # 8230 ; ) the oculus is presented with a luminescent image it can non ‘hold ‘ . Alternatively, it must merely absorb all of the beat of motion and the bantam displacements and alterations. ( 2003, p.51 ) . As in modern-day swimming baths it is likely that the Romans would hold enjoyed sitting beside the H2O to watch the drama of visible radiation and absorb the ambiance. From the remains found at Bath it appears that the design included sing countries: the bath itself lay in the Centre of an aisled hall 109ft long by 67ft broad, divided into a nave and two side aisles, or ambulatories, by uninterrupted arcades framed with pilasters and entablature like those in the entryway hall. Each ambulatory was provided with three exedrae, a cardinal rectangular deferral with semicircular 1s on either side, each framed by wharfs back uping arches in harmoniousness with the chief arcades. ( Cunliffe 1976, p.45 ) . These deferrals, placed within a symmetric program, would hold provided topographic points for people to sit and see the baths, while the uninterrupted arcades would hold led the line of vision around the inside, with the consequence of there being no beginning or terminal. This continuity of signifier in the chief country reflects its map as a consolidative infinite in two ways: one, architecturally associating the four different countries of the edifice, and two, supplying a public infinite befitting of the societal map of bathing itself which brought people together. To help the construct of bathing as a societal and a sacred experience certain characteristics were designed to appeal to the human senses. The floors and walls were decorated with mosaic forms in different colorss ; contrasts of coloring material being common in Roman architecture ( Macdonald 1982, p.176 ) , and as portion of the roof structures there stood tall columns in the cosmetic Corinthian manner. As a sacred topographic point, dedicated to Minerva, the therapist, visitants were tempted to throw offerings into the sacred H2O of the spring in hope of their wants being granted. The act of separating with money or something beloved is a ritual made possible by the spring being situated beneath the chief entryway hall. Excavations in 1878 by Mann discovered valuable offerings including pewter decorations, a gold earring, and a pin with a pearl attached. ( Cunliffe 1976, p.28 ) . The presence of the H2O beginning provides an temptation to the baths within, and moreover the gesture of the spring beneath would hold created a rich bubbling pool easy transforming the solid masonry and concrete walls into an aesthetically delighting yet functional infinite. The architecture of the baths edifice appears to hold been wholly devoted to the rite of bathing itself which occurred indoors. As Michael Wheeler says in Roman Art and Architecture ( 2001 ) :you went to the baths in great Numberss to speak to and about your friends and to work off the night-before. But one thing you surely did non make ; you ne'er glanced at the untidy composite of domes and gables outdoors as you entered. It was the interior of the edifice that mattered, with its looming wall-spaces that stretched the heads of designer and sculpturer and gave a sense of wellbeing to patron or client. ( p.16 ) . The experience of bathing was completed in a series of phases. The swimmers foremost entered the dressing room to alter, so after being anointed with oil proceeded to the series of chief bathing suites that varied in temperature ( net ref. 1 ) . In the calidarium swimmers had their organic structures scraped of oil and sweat, before come ining the frigidarium ( cold room ) , where there was a little cold pool. The swimmer so entered the Great Bath. The Romans had no quantitative measurings for temperature, ( Rook 1992, p.13 ) and despite the usage of the walls as warming in concurrence with under floor warming at that place would hold been comparatively small control over humidness compared to modern-day bath composites. Walls would hold been damp from capillary wet oozing up through the porous edifice stuffs and from condensation when heater humid air came into contact with colder surfaces. This meant that the visible radiation and heat of the bath might hold varied harmonizing to h ow many other people were utilizing it at the clip. Surely, these baths were designed to look their best when full of people & A ; # 8211 ; when the Waterss were traveling and the steam rise and breakage in the infinite above. The baths were alone in that they provided a extremely esteemed environment ( baths were frequently owned by emperors ) where personal rite could be conducted in a public infinite & A ; # 8211 ; which merely the presence of the H2O would let. The baths were ‘people ‘s castles, supplying a cultural focal point where everyone could bask luxury on a imperial graduated table every twenty-four hours. ‘ ( Rook 1992, p.20 ) . It is non hard to conceive of the many different odors & A ; # 8211 ; of different scented oils, steam, and hot organic structures. The baths composite was a wealth of money, leisure and animal experience, and the different stuffs used in the design reflect this. In the hall of the Great Bath lead lined the pool which met with the limestone beside it. This contrast of stuff was continued throughout in the broken signifiers of mosaic form interspersed with bronzy objects such as a bronze penstock in the north-east corner of the chief bath. ( Cunliffe 1 976, p.45 ) .As expected there appears to be a close relationship between the design of the baths at Avon and the centripetal experience of the spring H2O which was both a functional and an aesthetic feature.These two facets appear to hold been built-in to one another and it will be interesting to see how the relationship between architectural design and the human senses alters in the following instance survey where H2O within the glass marquee is present strictly for aesthetic grounds.The Glass Pavilion designed by Bruno Taut for the Werkbund Exhibition, 1914.This instance analyze expressions at the interplay between H2O, visible radiation, and the senses in the early Modern Expressionist design of Bruno Taut ‘s glass marquee. The building was commissioned by poet Peter Scheerbart who dreamed of a ‘soaring glass architecture ‘ as a liberating up of architectural design. ( Crasemann Collins 1962, p.12 ) . It was a fourteen-sided prism roofed by a dome with bluish, green, and gold glass panels which reflected the sky. ( Ward 2001, p.65 ) . Inside was a seven-tiered chamber whose walls were made of glass panels lined with glass mosaic, and a round stairway & A ; # 8211 ; an ‘unreal, spiritual flight of stepss that one descends as if through scintillating H2O ‘ ( Pehnt 1973, p.76 ) . On the lower degree there was a rotunda with a pool and H2O cascading down superimposed stairss so that the going sound of H2O would hold echoed up to the highest grade. Taut claimed that the construction had been designed in the spirit of a Gothic cathedral. As Kenneth Frampton ( 1994 ) says, ‘In consequence a ‘city Crown ‘ , that pyramidic signifier postulated by Taut as the cosmopolitan paradigm of all spiritual edifice, which together with the religion it would animate was an indispensable urban component for the restructuring of society. ‘ ( p.116 ) . This remark is reflected in the usage of H2O as a symbolic unifier in two ways. First as a physical presence that mirrors the refracted visible radiation from the glass panels, making a harmonic balance between floor and ceiling and a sense of integrity within the construction, and secondly as something that all living things and people need and understand as an indispensable portion of life & A ; # 8211 ; an indispensable ingredient if you like of Taut ‘s Utopian ideal. When standing at the top of the H2O cascade it was possible to see upwards through the round infinite in the center to the curving infinite of the upper grades beyond. This provided a ocular contrast between the fluid downward motion of H2O and the curving pyramidic signifier of the roof above. Further ocular delectations were to be found in the wealth of colorss used in the design. The cascade of H2O travelled over pale xanthous glass, ‘terminating in a deferral of deep violet in which images were projec ted from a kaleidoscope. ‘ ( Pehnt 1973, p.76. ) The presence of the H2O served to unite people ‘s experience of the visible radiation into one ocular constituent. Because this building was non designed to be a lasting construction it did non necessitate to run into the heavy physical demands of wear and tear. Thus it is more aesthetically delighting than the Roman bath edifice, which in many ways was more functional.The aisled hall of the baths had a basic rectangular signifier surrounded by solid rock masonry which gave the edifice a sense of permanency. In contrast, the round signifier of Taut ‘s skeletal construction would non hold stood by itself: the upper hall was domed with different colored glass panels set into strengthened concrete ribs and relied on the stiffening consequence of the panels for stableness. The aesthetic map of the arched roof has non changed since the clip of the Roman baths at Avon ; in both structures the opening out of the roof provides infinite in which the head is set free to see the animal delectations of the inside. Yet what differs in Taut ‘s marquee is the temporalty of the construction. The tall ness creates a self-contradictory feeling of impermanent permanency & A ; # 8211 ; a brief feeling that one is about liberated from the confines of earthly constructions into the kingdom of the sky & A ; # 8211 ; while the presence of the running H2O beneath reminds the spectator that they are still on Earth. In a 1928 essay on ‘The Aestheticss of Architecture, ‘ Bruno Taut spoke of his ‘love for clean smoothness ‘ ( quoted from Ward 2001, p.56. ) This doctrine is echoed in design of the marquee where the visible radiation which is cast down through the glass surrounds hits the lower grade and is instantly washed off and diffused by the running H2O. As Strang ( 2003, p.50 ) says, ‘the most changeless ‘quality ‘ of H2O is that it is non changeless, but is characterised by commutability and sensitiveness to alterations in the environment. ‘ Thus it is possible to visualize the experience of the marquee: the senses being continually stimulated by the changeableness and reverberation of the H2O, the shifting visible radiation through the glass and its contemplation in the H2O, even the odor of the humidness & A ; # 8211 ; all of which are at the same time and subtly altering harmonizing to the nature of the conditions outside. It is non difficul t to conceive of how a flicker of Sun might all of a sudden hold transformed the marquee into a thousand inkling pieces. Furthermore, the seven grades allow the witness to command their centripetal experience by traveling as near and as far off from the altering visible radiation forms as they desire. Differing degrees which induced different experiences was non a characteristic of the design in the Roman baths but a parallel can be drawn between this facet of the marquee and the galleried hallway of the baths where the populace could see the spring beneath. In the comparing between the two instance surveies so far, the rite of bathing with its associated centripetal delectations becomes replaced by the rite of aesthetic and centripetal grasp entirely & amp ; # 8211 ; without the H2O holding any practical map whatsoever. It provides an indispensable focal point, take awaying attending off from what would otherwise be a cold empty infinite. As Strang ( 2003 ) says of the belongingss of H2O: Physically, it is the ultimate ‘fluid ‘ , make fulling any containing form and, every bit easy, shriveling and vanishing into the Earth or vaporizing into the quintessence. It has an extraordinary ability to transfigure quickly into substances with oppositional qualities, that is, the extremely seeable, concrete solidness of ice, and the fugitive dematerialisation of steam. Each province is infinitely reversible, so that this polymorphous scope is ever potentially present. ( p.49 ) . It is this changeableness and potency of H2O that enables the marquee to map as a dynamic public, yet personal, edifice. The tiered degrees above allow room for private contemplation in a public infinite. It is clear that the map of the H2O differs to that of the Roman baths, nevertheless, the aesthetic experience in both fulfils a axiom quoted by Walter Gropius & A ; # 8211 ; that ‘art is none other than the transmutation of supramundane ideas into objects of centripetal perceptual experience. ‘ ( quoted from Pehnt 1973, p.35 ) . In footings of the baths at Avon and Taut ‘s marquee, what could hold been an ordinary ‘mundane ‘ experience & A ; # 8211 ; the act of bathing, the observation of an cosmetic construction, & A ; # 8211 ; is transformed by the design of the edifice in concurrence with the presence of H2O and its consequence on the senses into something extraordinary. The round signifier of the interior creates a bubble where the witness becomes isolated from the outside universe ; the altering visible radiation and the motion of H2O making a sense of eternity. As Simon Urwin ( 2003, pp.125-6 ) says: every organic structure has around it what might be called a ‘circle of presence ‘ that contributes to its ain designation of topographic point. When a organic structure is in relationship with others, their circles of presence affect each other. When a organic structure is put into an enclosure or cell its circle of presence is besides contained and possibly moulded. If this is true so the centripetal experience of the person in the marquee would be shaped by the round presences of the grades and the H2O below climaxing in a rich and permanent personal experience. In the Roman bath edifice we see a all right contrast to this experience & A ; # 8211 ; where the functional facet of the H2O would hold caused Urwin ‘s ‘circles of presence ‘ to be broken down so that public and private infinite become one. Indeed Taut himself stared that he demanded ‘no differentiation between public and private edifices. ‘ ( quoted from Jencks 1985, p.61 ) . As a concluding point for the instance of the marquee, it is deserving sing the really construction itself and the infinite it contains. Its map & A ; # 8211 ; although non practical like the baths & A ; # 8211 ; is to supply an intermediary topographic point between the exposure of the out-of-doorss and the confines of the indoors, a infinite out of clip. The usage of different colored glass creates a absorbing interplay between visible radiation and H2O while making an enclosure without the feeling of being enclosed. This brings up interesting issues associating to the boundaries of interior and exterior which will be looked at in greater item when comparing these surveies to Zumthor ‘s work subsequently on. The following instance survey explores an unfastened air piazza the design of which provides a blunt contrast to Taut ‘s marquee. The chapter aims to place the germinating complexness of the relationship between architectural design, H2O and the senses & A ; # 8211 ; traveling on now to an illustration built in 1974.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Developmental Psychology Class At Union College Essay

Methods Participants The sample collected were acquired by surveying parents about children who were currently in the Developmental Psychology class at Union College. These parents were not paid in any way and were recruited by their children requesting their responses. A total of 50 responses were gathered, however some children had two parents evaluate them and others only had one. In these instances, when two parents evaluated, their scores were added and divided by two in order to get the average score for each child. This left us with 32 subjects of which 9 were male and 23 were female. This study is mostly a retrospective study, therefore the parent raters often had to think back over a decade to rate their children which currently were enrolled at Union College. The age range at the time of the study was 17 years with the eldest being 22 years of age and the youngest only 5 years old. This is important to note because participants were asked to evaluate their children when they were about 5 years old. Assessing retrospectively may be a limitation in this study. Therefore, according to our results all but 6 responses were done retrospectively, evaluating at least 9 years in the past. Although, the questionnaire administered to participants was a Buss and Plomin temperament scale evaluating shyness, sociability, emotionality, and activity, for the purposes of this study, were are only analyzing the activity results and comparing whether or not there is a genderShow MoreRelatedImmigrating And The United States1644 Words   |  7 Pagesmy family owned a furniture factory and a store. After my parent s divorce, my mother kept the house and my father the company. Similarly, my mother opened her store for a few years and then a preschool, which was more related to her bachelor in psychology. However, my mother financial stability decreases after acquiring debts. 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